Sofia Fiori and Corvith

The character of Sofia Fiori and a puppet of her pet crow Corvith.

A Secret of Birds & Bone

Design work for a speculative theatre production of “A Secret of Birds & Bone”.

Katrina Van Tassel — Sleepy Hollow

Katrina Van Tassel for a speculative series of Sleepy Hollow.

Sleepy Hollow

Design work for a speculative TV series of “Sleepy Hollow”.

Katrina Van Tassel Equestrian Shoot

1799 Costume for a speculative Netflix Series of Sleepy Hollow

Straw Bonnet

Hand braided straw bonnet

1820s Bonnet

1820s bonnet made using a buckram base.

Margo Fonteyn — Biopic Project

Based on the idea of Margo Fonteyn being a ‘dying swan’ at the end of a biopic film.

Tudor French Hood

Commissioned to fit a nine year old as part of a museum exhibition.

18th Century Working Woman — Flower Seller

Design and construction for period piece.


Mr and Mrs Elephant, The Tortoise and The Lion.

Victorian Perching Hat

A hand sewn Victorian Perching hat made using repurposed flat straw braid.

L'enfant et les sortilèges bodice

18th Century inspired designed in a farmhouse style for the character of ‘Maman’.

Regency Bonnet

Prep work for regency bonnet with gold silk and hand sewing of the pale silk lining.

18th Century Inspired Embellishment

Embellishment of pre-existing hat base

Christmas Bonnet

Drafted using the book ‘From the neck up’ by Denise Dreher.