Sofia Fiori and Corvith

The character of Sofia Fiori and a puppet of her pet crow Corvith.

A Secret of Birds & Bone

Design work for a speculative theatre production of “A Secret of Birds & Bone”.

Katrina Van Tassel — Sleepy Hollow

Katrina Van Tassel for a speculative series of Sleepy Hollow.

Sleepy Hollow

Design work for a speculative TV series of “Sleepy Hollow”.

Katrina Van Tassel Equestrian Shoot

1799 Costume for a speculative Netflix Series of Sleepy Hollow

Margo Fonteyn — Biopic Project

Based on the idea of Margo Fonteyn being a ‘dying swan’ at the end of a biopic film.

18th Century Working Woman — Flower Seller

Design and construction for period piece.

L'enfant et les sortilèges bodice

18th Century inspired designed in a farmhouse style for the character of ‘Maman’.

Christmas Bonnet

Drafted using the book ‘From the neck up’ by Denise Dreher.